Run Hard, Risk Heartbreak. It's race week and this is our mantra. To some, Heartbreak is a hill in Newton. For us, it's the natural terrain of great love. The two are inextricable. In order to love deeply, you must be vulnerable. A daring risk that can bring great joy. This concept applies to racing, too. You have to throw yourself in completely: the pre-race jitters, the flight of your feet, the joy-- and the pain. How else can you truly know your limits or conjure personal victory? What matters most is that you’re ready. “When you know, you know,” it is often said of love. You're trained up. You’re ready. You know, and now it’s time to go. Go fast. Take the chance. Run Hard, Risk Heartbreak.
Athletes who joined our long run experiences held in Boston and Chicago on 9/18 can find their own shareable "Run Hard, Risk Heartbreak" digital asset to share with the world.