Our epic Grand Opening was half party, half unsanctioned 5K race powered by Nike Running.
Coach Luc and Nike scouted the area for the right location to create a 3-mile route safe enough for ____ runners on open streets. Nike and Goose Island set up music and beer tents, pedicabs were hired to transport spectators to-and-from Heartbreak. We cleared the floor for over 200 people, put two port-o-potties in the back alleyway and loaded up on Goose Island beer and Pequod's pizza.
Nike Unsanctioned Race 001 happened on open streets, in an industrial area of Lincoln Park, Chicago.
Second City Track Club elite women at Unsanctioned Race 001 - 2019.
Chicago runners came out to race alongside teammates, compete against P.R.'s or just to hit the pavement for a fun challenge. We had an entire cheer squad at the sidelines, who also looked out for the few cars that rode through. The route ended up just shy of 3 miles, oops. Nike still awarded the top male and female athletes with a cash prize, and _____. Then, we partied Heartbreak style.