Jeff Correia | Never Fold

Jeff Correia | Never Fold

Heartbreak's Never Fold collection encourages every day athletes to bet on themselves & go big. Jeff Correia is a Pioneers Run Crew member and Heartbreak Speed Run regular. He's a new runner and with his fresh legs and enthusiasm, he's always game to close a workout hard or put himself on the line to learn about his limits. We asked him what it means to Never Fold:

HB: When did you start running and what keeps you connected and engaged right now?

JC: I started running in January 2019 because I wanted to introduce both a mental and physical challenge to my life. Through running I’ve found a community of other runners here in Boston and seeing other getting their miles in and getting to see their journey keeps me connected with others and excited about running.

HB: When you think of about running and the idea of Never Fold, what comes to mind?

JC: Everyday we get to make choices and those choices dictate what our results and outcome will be. The idea of Never Fold to me represents making an intentional decision every day to work towards being my best self. Not every race will be a PR but when you never fold you give your self the best odds to get that PR.

HB: When did you bet big on yourself and what did you learn? (can be running or otherwise)

JC: One time I bet big on my self was as part of my New Year’s resolution for 2019 when I declared was going to run my first half marathon. Prior to this I was never a runner or ever wanted to be a runner, so I knew running 13.1 miles was going to be a big challenge. Unlike most New Year’s Resolutions that evaporate within a few days, this was different. I reflected on it and concluded that I didn’t want to lead a life of regrets. This sparked me to put on my running sneakers and start training with consistency and purpose. I finished the race with a time of 1:48 when my goal was to finish around 2 hours. I was happy with my result, but I knew if I had trained more, I could have done even better. This race was the spark that lit the flame of my journey of self-improvement.