Aaron Mendez is on the Love Squad!
Hometown: Kenmore, NY
High school: Kenmore West High school
College: SUNY Fredonia (Sophomore)
Events: 800, 1500, XC
Notable PRs: 800-2:05, 5k-18:26 on milesplit, 17:20ish in tempos
What motivates you: there are two big things that motivate me. The first is to see how far I can push myself and to see the hard work pay off. The second is the comradery with my teammates and within the running community as a whole.
What makes you happy: When it comes to running it's finishing a good workout, the relief after finishing a race, and celebrating with teammates after a hard day of practice or a race. Outside of running, I like spending time with my friends camping, playing other sports, playing video games, or just going to get food.
What does "run hard, risk heartbreak" mean to you: To me, it means that you shouldn’t be afraid to give it your all during a race, to go out at an ambitious pace shooting for a pr, or trying to win a race knowing that you’re far from being the favorite. Even if you end up failing, which will likely happen more times than not, you can know you ran with guts.
The Love Squad is Heartbreak's collegiate athlete sponsorship program. Get gear-ups and cash. Apply now at Heartbreak.run/hbu