Meet Cael Grotenhuis | Heartbreak's Love Squad

Meet Cael Grotenhuis | Heartbreak's Love Squad

Cael Grotenhuis is on the Love Squad! ⁠

Hometown: Slinger, WI⁠
High School: Slinger High School⁠
College: Northern Arizona University⁠
Events: Cross-Country, 1500m, 5000m, 10000m⁠
Notable PRs: 4:09 Mile, 9:03 3200m⁠

What Motivates you: Helping my team succeed & Seeing how far I can push myself in this sport.⁠

What makes you happy: Running with my team.⁠

What does “run hard, risk heartbreak” mean to you: Having nothing to lose, and everything to give in this sport. Risking your pride and comfortability for something greater.⁠