Suffragette Ride Recap | Boston

Suffragette Ride Recap | Boston

100 years ago, in August of 1920, the 19th Amendment was ratified, granting some women the right to vote. On November 2nd of that same year, more than 8 million women across the United States showed up to vote in their very first election.

Four years ago, many of us voted with excitement and confidence for what we hoped and believed and expected would be the first female President of the United States of America. Watching the results trickle in, our hopes and excitement slowly morphed into fear. How could this be happening? As a woman, this election felt personal, and we were scared.

A lot has changed in the last four years. And not a lot has changed in the past 100 years. This year, we all face what will without a doubt be the most important election of our lives. We have to continue to show up and we must vote like it's our very first election. We bring to 2020 a new understanding of what it means to be represented by our government as a woman. Communities of BIPOC, LGBTQ+, and all minority groups are challenged by this presidency more than ever before. We’ve listened, we are still very much learning, and we need to keep showing up and standing up, and using our collective voices in any way we can.

On Wednesday, Heartbreakers showed up at Faneuil Hall to kick off a run and ride in honor of the 100th anniversary of the 19th Amendment. The plan was to move as a group through our city to show our pride and to learn a little more about some important landmarks in the women’s suffrage movement. Sites included Faneuil Hall, the Museum of Afro-American History, The Liberty Hotel, MIT, and the Margaret Fuller House. You can read more about these sites and how they tie into the history of women’s rights here.

Heartbreaker pride is stronger than ever these days, and we are so lucky to have a community like ours that speaks for diversity of pace and person. Let’s keep showing up and standing up! Happy running and happy voting. See you out there!

Liz & Amy