Introducing Heartbreak performance running apparel

To some, Heartbreak is a hill in Newton. For us, it's the natural terrain of great love. The two are inextricable. In order to love deeply, you must be vulnerable. A daring risk that can bring great joy.

This concept applies to racing, too. You have to throw yourself in completely: the pre-race jitters, the flight of your feet, the joy-- and the pain. How else can you truly know your limits or conjure personal victory? “When you know, you know,” it is often said of love. When you head to the starting line, you're trained up. You’re ready. You know, and it’s time to go.

Go fast. Take the chance. Run Hard, Risk Heartbreak. 


Our stories are united through three common elements and told on each garment: black for the roads we run, red for the blood pumping through our bodies and white for the spirit of those that have blazed trails before us.

Heartbreak Hill

The Hill is our home. Its elevation breaks the heart in our logo and is worn proudly across our chest.


Each piece of Heartbreak Performance Running Apparel comes with a set of red shoelaces with tips that read 'Love' and 'Heartbreak.'