Stay Lost. That's one of the taglines of the Lost Boys, a squad that's more of a vibe and an attitude than a team or a place. Founded by Tim Rossi as a "kinda serious joke", it's evolved into something special in running culture. Partly inspired by Peter Pan's lost boys, their alternative tagline is "keep the dream alive". Olympians and average joes/janes and your fastest friends all share the youthful exuberance one has to have to keep chasing time off a clock. The team is a nod to both the absurdity of that pursuit and also the joy found & created by giving one's self over to it completely. Wait, did we say "found"? We meant "joyfully lost but ever-present" or something...
As a connector first, it's no surprise that Tim recruited some of New York's most notable run scene all-stars for his Magic Horse Marathon Relay team: David Kilgore (aka "the Palm Bay Prodigy", one of the most beloved and enthusiastic global run community members), Leigh Anne Sharek (Brooklyn Track Club co-founder and Olympic trialist), Jeremy Mulvey (Project Moonshot Pacer & speedster), and Wendy Gonzalez (Instagram profile private).
Bring your good vibrations to our global virtual race, the Magic Horse Marathon Relay, April 17th & 18th and be a part of the movement. Learn more here.