Nike Zoom Alphafly NEXT% & ZoomX Vaporfly NEXT% coming August 27th

Nike Zoom Alphafly NEXT% & ZoomX Vaporfly NEXT% coming August 27th

The much anticipated "Rawthentic" coloways of the Alphafly and Vaporfly will release on Thursday, 8/27. Unofficially known as the "Olympic" coloway since it would have been on the feet of Nike's athletes in Tokyo, this color has been hyped hard since it first leaked on sneakerhead Instagram. IYKYK. Some are calling this the colorway "watermelon" (hence our Tijan post the other day). Of the 3, we're going hard on "watermelon" at Heartbreak and to spice it up, we're shipping all of our Alphafly NEXT% orders with their very own bottle of Tajin. Chop 'em up, stir 'em up, and sprinkle liberally as outlined by our Chicago GM Lucas Larson in Monday's blog. Or, just go race virtually fast AF.