Giving Tuesday | TrailblazHers for We Are Better Together

Giving Tuesday | TrailblazHers for We Are Better Together

For Giving Tuesday, we're teaming up with Boston's Trailblazhers Run Co once again. Last year, we did a t-shirt collaboration to help kick-start their organization. Since then, the trio of Abeo Powder, Frances Ramirez, and Liz Rock have made their mission a powerful reality. They gather monthly to uplift & connect women through their Self-care Sunday events.  The goal is to unite and empower women, particularly women of color and including the LGBTQIA+ community. The mission doesn't stop there. They've partnered with women-led local organizations to offer mental health awareness services, self-defense classes, and other fitness & wellness opportunities. They've even hosted races and gear-ups for kids, hosted Mayor Michelle Wu, and continuously show up as leaders in all corners of Boston's fitness scene.

This year, we asked Abeo, Frances, and Liz where they would want funds to go with a new t-shirt that captures the growth of their community. True to the spirit of their mission, they chose another women-led, grassroots organization: We Are Better Together. Founded in Roxbury, MA by Ruth Rollins in 2017, after the murder of her son, Danny Hairston, and the incarceration of her second son, We Are Better Together Warren Daniel Hairston Project (WAB2G) "connects and heals women and girls affected by homicide and incarceration to prevent the cycles of violence and victimization" as described at We're covering the cost of the shirt completely so that what you spend on the shirt goes 100% to WAB2G on behalf of Trailblazhers (less tax & shipping). The photo featured on the shirt was captured by George of @gnp_photos at an activation the Trailblazhers team led in New York City and is used with his permission. GET IT HERE BEFORE IT'S GONE! (Available at Heartbreak South End and online only.)